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Simple Guidelines On Swift Secrets In Gambling

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A Topical Overview Of Painless Tactics In

Mississippi begins sports betting but fantasy sports betting could be Louisiana's saving grace

On September 1, people can place bets in West Virginia which have proper laws passed. Pennsylvania, New York, and Rhode Island have done the same, although in the two latter states, this kind of gaming is only allowed in specific locations. But in Louisiana, there have been proposed laws but no full scale addition of sports betting. It didn't garner enough support during the regular session. "The religious aspect of it came in ... creeped in," said Senator Gregory Tarver, Sr.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.ktbs.com/news/mississippi-begins-sports-betting-but-fantasy-sports-betting-could-be/article_8edd41dc-a52c-11e8-b7b7-4be353a55384.html

Top Guidelines For 2017 On Swift Programs For

Gambling - Imagining a scandal that could prompt Congress to act on sports betting

Our patent-pending plan -- tentatively titled the "American Sports Trading Exchange" -- would bring a needed level of transparency to sports wagering and help avoid future scandals propelled by the hodgepodge of state-authorized sports wagering laws and the vast illicit sports betting market that still persists since the Supreme Court's ruling. This proposal would be a win-win for everyone. We look forward to discussing this with you in the coming weeks and welcome the opportunity to testify in any Congressional hearing you would like to hold. Adam Silver, Rob Manfred, Roger Goodell and Bill Daly The U.S. House of Representatives holds its first of two hearings on the topic of sports gambling. Members of Congress seem receptive to the sports leagues' plan. Leading politicians on both sides of the aisle promise to draft legislation addressing the commissioners' concerns. The U.S. Senate holds a day-long hearing on sports betting, too.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.espn.com/chalk/story/_/id/24399733/gambling-imagining-scandal-prompt-congress-act-sports-betting

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